Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture for Shoulder Pain in Parkland Florida

By Matthew Enright AP – Parkland, Florida –The use of acupuncture as a solution for shoulder pain is gaining widespread acceptance in the US due to its efficacy in treating this oftentimes debilitating condition. Along with Chinese cupping and herbs, shoulder pain can be treated and eliminated in a relatively short span of time.

Pain in the shoulders can be severe and limiting due to the fact that the shoulders are joined to other critical parts of the body such as the neck and arms. Said pain may make it hard to perform ordinary activities that involve the use of hands. At our Parkland acupuncture clinic, we’ve had so much success dealing with this issue that we get multiple patient referrals on a regular basis.

Below are some of the causes of shoulder pain:

  1. Tendon Inflammation – Tendon inflammation can occur when one engages themselves in activities that involve rapid movement of the hands, such as playing tennis. There are two types of tendon inflammation; tendonitis and bursitis. They occur when the tendons at the shoulder joints are irritated. If you experience tendon inflammation, it is essential to seek medical care as soon as possible, failure to do so may result in chronic pain.
  2. Arthritis – There are many things that cause arthritis. Old age and shoulder injuries are the two most common causes. When someone suffers from arthritis, they are likely to become immobile and experience chronic shoulder pain.
  3. Instability – Infections, dislocation and activities that put excess pressure on the shoulders cause shoulder instability. This might make the shoulder loose, thus slipping out of its place, causing chronic shoulder instability. Shoulder instability limits one’s motion to a great extent if medical care is not sought immediately.
  4. Fracture – When the continuity of bones in the shoulders is broken due to stress, you feel a lot of pain. Fractures are treated depending on their magnitude. Some can just be split or cast, while others will require surgery.
  5.  Frozen Shoulder – A frozen shoulder occurs when a layer of connective tissues encases tendons and ligaments making up the shoulder joint. It is also known as adhesive capsulitis. This does not allow you to move your shoulder freely, limiting you to a flexibility range of 40-60 degrees.
  6. Fibromyalgia – Fibromyalgia is a disease characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, sleep deprivation and shoulder pain. The disease causes amplification in painful sensations, meaning that shoulder pain in this case is very severe.

Methods of Treating Shoulder Pain in the Western Countries

The shoulder is prone to injuries due to stress because it is one of the most active parts of the human body. Injury in the shoulder causes a lot of pain and discomfort. If not attended to early, the pain could worsen over time and cause serious problems. Before undergoing treatment, the specialist has to diagnose the type and intensity of the pain. A variety of diagnostic tools are used for the procedure. There are many treatment methods of dealing with pain in the western countries, for example:

  • Medicine – A variety of drugs can be taken in order to help deal with pain. NSAIDS, painkillers and relaxers are mostly used. However, the effect of these drugs starts to wear off after some time, so they can only be used as a short-term solution.
  • Physical Therapy – Physical therapy mostly applies to serious damage such as frozen shoulders. One can visit a physical therapy specialist or conduct the therapy themselves. It all involves the movement of joints in order to make the shoulder more flexible.
  • Surgery – Surgery is only recommended when it is absolutely necessary. Overstretched tendons and broken bones are some of the situations that might require you to go under the knife.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Shoulder Pain

Acupuncture is a pain treatment technique native to China. It has been used for centuries, and has proven to be the best solution when dealing with pain. The procedure involves the insertion of small needles at specific points in the body. The needles trigger the production of endorphins, chemicals that affect pain receptor signals, reducing the intensity of pain felt. Acupuncture produces good results, and is much better than other pain treatment methods.

Studies conducted by Dr. Ming Yi reveal that acupuncture can reduce pain by a great deal when administered correctly. It is administered alongside Tuina massage and Chinese herbs for increased efficiency. If you’re suffering with shoulder pain you owe it to yourself to learn more about acupuncture treatment. Take advantage of our free consultations today and give us a call at our Parkland, Florida acupuncture clinic!